After reading a blog from a very intelligent pastor friend, I could not agree more with what he had to say. His argument was that you cannot have Christ as Saviour and not Lord. Christ must be Lord AND Saviour. At the moment of salvation, you are accepting Christ as your Saviour .... but in order to be your Saviour you must let Christ reign in your heart as Lord. You cannot claim Christ as Saviour and then still be Lord of your own life. Your life is no longer your own, but it was bought with a price. Jesus cannot be your Saviour if he is not also your Lord. People are often told that "they need to accept Christ as their personal Saviour". As my friend pointed out, this is not untrue, but it misses the very heart of the gospel. He went on to say that "Jesus’ work to be our Savior was for the purpose of vindicating his claim to be our Lord. Lordship is the fundamental means by which God relates to us as his creatures and his children. Yes, the Lordship of Christ gets worked out in our lives not all at once, but progressively in sanctification as we learn to walk in holiness before God. But he doesn’t become Lord sometime down the road. It is as Lord that He saves us. He is the Sovereign Lord, we are his servants." I thought that was such a great point, and worth sharing with you all.
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