Thursday, October 16, 2008

Making Godly Decisions

I decided to write a blog after listening to Soldiers by B.H. Clendennon and hearing the sermon by Gary Thull on When and Why to Make Godly Decisions. Clendennon said in his sermon that "it takes more courage to be right and take a stand than it does to fight a war". That phrase seemed to burn in my memory and it's been the topic of my study in the recent past. When he made this statement, Clendennon was talking about how Christians need to have courage that is born out of conviction to stand up for what is right. While I was thinking on this topic, the same Sunday Gary Thull preached on godly decision making and it seemed to go perfectly with what I had been hearing and thinking about. One of the examples he used was Daniel who had made up his mind not to eat the choice food and defile himself. He went on to say that as Christians we need to make up our mind to follow Christ. Before we get into a situation where we have to make a crucial decision, we should already have prepared our hearts and made up our minds that we are going to please Jesus Christ. If our minds are made up beforehand, then when a seemingly hard decision comes our way there will be no struggle. We have to PLAN to make godly decisions. Gary's quote of the day that seemed to sum up his whole sermon for me was, "God has required us to plan, but with a renewed mind in the context of his will, and willing to change as God directs." We need to PLAN to carry out God's will and PLAN to make godly decisions so that we will be ready to live for Christ no matter what we face.

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