Talk is cheap. So why is it that we like to talk so much? This is another thing I've been pondering lately. A lot of people, who have no place to talk, are the quickest to give their input and advice. Strange isn't it? Is it too hard to keep our mouth shut and just live a holy life .... to do what is right and let our actions speak for themselves? Will God not defend us?
In my life, I have found that a majority of the time the people that talk the most are the people you should listen to the least. I found a few scriptures along these lines that I thought were pretty interesting. Proverbs 10:19 says, "When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, But he who restrains his lips is wise." James 3:2 says, "If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to bridle the whole body as well."
Another scripture that really grabbed my attention is James 2:14-20, "What use is it, my brothers, if a man says he has faith, but he has no works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, 'Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,' and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself. But someone may well say, 'You have faith, and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and I will show you my faith by my works.' You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder. But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless?"
Is there really a faith that cannot save? The Bible says there is. We cannot be nothing but talk. We cannot talk about helping people and do nothing. We cannot talk about living holy and then live like the devil. We cannot claim that we have a saving faith when we have no works. If we claim to have faith, let us stop yapping all the time, and starting backing up our claims with the lives we live. St. Francis of Assisi said, "Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary use words."
"Live Under The Gaze Of One"
5 years ago
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